TechNoon Contact Form

If you are wanting to get involved, or if you want to make a suggestion, please give us some brief details in the TechNoon Contact Form and we’ll get back to you.

How can I run a TechNoon?

We’ve created a guide for organisers that takes you through everything you’ll need to run your own course.

What can Industry do to support TechNoon?

  • Send trainees - Encourage staff to up-skill through TechNoon - TechNoon is a lightweight, targeted, practical way of increasing the productivity and motivation of technical staff. At the end of a course, ask your staff “what did you improve as a result?”
  • Supply training venues - Some courses will be small and specialised; others will be larger (the first TechNoon Python course had nearly 40 trainees, three helpers, and two trainers). A variety of venues in central locations will be needed - perhaps you can help.
  • Supply trainers - Support suitable staff to deliver training. What would improve your technical infrastructure and practices most? Start there. Message staff with a list of possible courses asking 1) do you want to run any of them and 2) do you want to write and run a course not on the list? Over time, more course materials will be available for reuse.
  • Promote your involvement - Let everyone know about your involvement in this exciting initiative. Promote your brand as a desired workplace for tech talent.

Examples of possible courses

  • Introductory Python
  • Spreadsheets and automation
  • Readable, maintainable SQL
  • Tableau without tears
  • Using main linux CLI tools
  • Faster geospatial queries
  • RevealJS presentations
  • Using HTTP status codes properly
  • Data visualisation tips
  • Quicker container deployment (Docker)
  • Unit testing using pytest
  • Athena and DBeaver
  • Better team documentation
  • Human-friendly APIs
  • When to Excel; when not to Excel
  • Airflow and alternatives
  • Regex for humans
  • Type hinting in Python
  • Practical use of specific cloud services
    • Ideally taught by practitioners and not vendors, but if the vendors can meet TechNoon’s demands of practical training that actually achieves something, then go right ahead - some vendors may already be doing that.
  • and much, much more

There is so much we can improve in our technical practice - together we can all lift our game!

Prompts for coming up with course ideas

  • “We just got some graduates, and they don’t even know <technology>”
  • “Our team really needs to be doing <practice> better”