We’re kick-starting TechNoon so there will be more announce soon depending on community interest. Watch this space!

PyNoon - Introductory Python Programming

PyNoon was originally run between November 2023 and March 2024 to up-skill people in the world’s most popular programming language: Python, which is used for automation, data science, web development, and much more.

PyNoon covers the fundamentals of the Python programming language and how to use Python to analyse and plot tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets) and to interact with web services and AI models.

Visit the PyNoon website to register your interest in attending a future course: pynoon.github.io

SQLNoon - Avoiding SQL Hell

SQL queries are commonly mission critical for accurate reporting and analysis but all too often they are unintelligible, difficult to maintain, and potentially returning invalid results. In this 4-session course we look at strategies for improving your queries and practices around maintaining and documenting them and tracking changes.

Note - this course is not teaching SQL itself - it is expected that participants will already know how to write basic SQL queries.

Register your interest by completing the Sign Up Form.

GitNoon - Confidently Track File Versions with Git

The more important your code or your queries, the more important it is to store it safely and to be able to track all your changes. This is where Git comes in. Git is a powerful version control tool which is now industry-standard. This 4-session course starts from scratch, explaining why, and how you should use Git. No previous experience is required.

Register your interest by completing the Sign Up Form.

Git Logo by Jason Long is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.